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The time you have for a day is limited. A day has only 1440 minutes, but you don't use all of that time to work. Considering the various activities that occupy our daily routine such as meals or entertainment, it's imperative to ensure maximum efficiency during working hours. The time spent on your designated workspace needs to be optimized by using effective techniques for higher productivity.

Effectively managing one's time isn't always as easy as it sounds - often various factors come into play which can throw our schedule off balance without us even realizing it. However, when we track our activities throughout the workday we uncover any inefficiencies or wasteful habits that could be hindering us from reaching peak performance levels. For freelancers seeking financial stability and professional growth, this simple practice can be especially business-changing.

There are a lot of alternatives when it comes to time tracking in the market. While many of them offer different features, there is a common ground for them: they all can be really expensive while offering lots of bells and whistles that don't serve your purpose. Understanding this, Sanmark Solutions has developed a new time-tracking solution called HoneyBeeTime, designed to meet all the time-tracking needs of freelancers and businesses all around the world.

Top Free Time Tracking Software for Freelancers in Asia

Time tracking is essential for any freelancer or business owner aiming to maximize productivity and meet deadlines efficiently. Unfortunately, selecting an appropriate time-tracking tool isn't always easy due to the plethora of available options with varying complexities and pricing structures. Before making a decision consider several factors such as ease of use and customization offered by each specific option. And when you see the price… that's another story.

When it comes to managing time effectively, freelancers and businesses based in South Asia face unique challenges due to limited financial resources. However, HoneybeeTime is here to provide solutions with its budget-friendly time-tracking software which boasts a broad range of features at an affordable rate. Our user-friendly interface allows you to customize options according to your preference while taking up minimal time for setup or training. With personalized support services tailored specifically for local users coupled with accurate reporting from advanced monitoring tools available on a single platform - HoneybeeTime is created with simplicity as its driving force making us the perfect solution provider catered directly toward individuals seeking cost-effective software solutions.

Keeping accurate records of the time you spend on freelance projects is essential for maximizing earnings potential. To help lighten this administrative burden and provide peace of mind in knowing that billing will not be compromised by missed hours or inaccurate calculations, we've collated some of the most popular tracking apps that fit any routine or budget. Let's dive into it.


This is one of the most flexible options you can find. They offer a free plan with limited functionality. They also offer paid packages starting from $9 a month. Utilize the cloud-based interface of this product to enjoy seamless functionality across multiple devices without any hassle. The user-friendly design adds an extra layer of convenience. The basic version is honestly more than enough for most freelancers.


This is a top option if you have a way to bill for your worked hours. It's really good when it comes to invoicing, billing, and taking payments. The jewel of the crown is the possibility of letting you accept payments directly on the platform. You can set up alerts to keep projects under budget. The paid version offers a lot of characteristics that will make it easy to include Harvest in your time tracking and payment workflow.


This app offers a free plan with other three different plans that will fit the need of any user. Clockify works well when it comes to client projects as they have integrated client billing and tracking tool for expenses. The main disadvantage of Clockify is the fact that it can be too complicated for those freelancers that just want to track their time.

Why You Should Track Your Time as a Freelancer

Although being a freelancer has many advantages, it also implies acquiring responsibilities directly related to the fulfillment of the job. Knowing how to manage time is essential. It is well known that to be successful, a freelancer must multitask: acquire clients, provide them with excellent service, develop and deliver projects on time, bill them and, when finished, start again.

Efficiency is ultimately one of the skills that those entering the freelance world must have. The ultimate key to improving your performance is discovering a balance between your personal and professional lives. Accumulating wealth is insignificant if you cannot reap its benefits.

Also, another important part of freelancing is your commitment to deadlines. If you are an amazing professional but fail to meet the delivery dates, you won't succeed as a freelancer. Reliability will open many doors for you.

If you think you need a better balance between your life and your work or to improve your performance against deadlines, time-tracking is a must for you. Don't forget the need to report to your clients. A time-tracking tool could be perfect for this.

Opting for the Right Time-tracking Software is Crucial in Ensuring Your Workflow's Efficiency

It can be challenging to choose the best tool for the job, but considering specific functions of your needs could simplify things. Thus, focus on evaluating key aspects of the time tracker app that align with your workflow and streamline its functionality.

  • Cost : You need to select a system that can be affordable to you. If you can't afford a system, look for the free plans to see if any of them can suit your workflow.

  • Ease of use : you will be using this daily. You need to avoid complicated tools that will discourage you from using a system like this. If you get the right tool, you will see how things improve for you.

  • Do you need billing and accounting : if you need the ability to invoice clients and receive payments you need to focus on systems that offer these features.

  • Reporting : there's an old saying that goes like this: "You can't improve what you don't measure" so it is a good idea to have a system that can show you some kind of report of your performance to make informed decisions over the areas you need to improve.

Of course, many other areas can be of importance when choosing a time-tracking system, but for a freelancer, these four are a must.

HoneybeeTime An Upcoming Game Changer

In this saturated market, HoneybeeTime has been created to offer anything you need to suit all of your time-tracking needs. At Sanmark Solutions we have designed this system after analyzing everything a freelancer could need in a time tracking software. The four core points we mentioned previously — Cost, Ease of Use, Billing and Accounting, and Reporting — are integral parts of HoneybeeTime.

We understand that freelancing can be hard, and nobody likes to throw money away, especially on a platform to track time. That's why we are offering a tremendous value for just a fraction of the price of the other similar systems. The good news is that all freelancers from Asia who need an amazing tool to control their time will find HoneybeeTime extremely useful.

Never miss an update regarding HoneybeeTime! Subscribe to our mailing list now and get notified about availability as soon as it is launched. This subscription helps us keep you in the loop with all important information such as its features that can help revolutionize your approach to beekeeping.


Choosing the appropriate system can significantly enhance your everyday workflow and aid you in identifying areas that require improvement. Analyze your weekly progress to determine areas where progress has been made and identify approaches to enhance work performance.

Productivity is about optimizing your work process. This means finding ways to complete tasks efficiently while maintaining quality outcomes. To achieve this, consider these two important factors:

  • whether or not certain duties require too much time unnecessarily,

  • and if others would benefit from more attention or focus than they currently receive.

Be constant, this is the key to advancement. Check your data and try to move forward always. Through diligent efforts in perfecting your persuasive writing abilities, greater opportunities for productivity and personal growth abound. Experiment with this approach and discover just how transformative it can truly be. In all your efforts, HoneybeeTime will always be there for you to help you with your success. Join us today!

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